Page name: The Color of Art [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-09-02 01:24:58
Last author: deeterhi
Owner: deeterhi
# of watchers: 33
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Welcome to [deeterhi]'s coloring competition :)


First place:


First place, also, receives a FREE sketch. You can message me with a description of the image you would like, and I'll get that to you as soon as I can ^^

Second place:


Third place:


There are, and have been, many different coloring competition's here on ET. I have always enjoyed entering other people's competitions and so I wanted to create my own.

1. All mediums welcome- traditional and digital

2. Do not alter the actual line-art

3. Upload your entries directly to elftown

The Image:

The Prizes:

first place- gold medal and one free sketch

second place- silver medal

third place- bronze medal

This contest is CLOSED. Voting has concluded.

Thank you to everyone who participated :) 

1. [iippo]
Done using black, red, green and blue biros.

2. [Flary]
Only Photoshop CS. My first real attempt to colour anything.

3. [Kaimee]


Done using my trackpad with a brand new kitten chasing my fingers... it may be a lil wonky... :P
Old version here: <URL:stuff/kaimee_deeterhicolour.jpg>

4. [Yncke]

5. [Changer]
So i tried.The good old fashioned colour between the lines way.

6. [Lite]
GIMP - nice and free :) (Full view for textures)

7. [Mom]
Old photoshop 5.5

8. [Triola]
Photoshop CS2 :)

9. [arthemis_]
Adobe Photoshop 7 :D

10. [BinaryPhoenix]
Photoshop CS3. (See full view for details) ^__^

11. [JajaJulie]
Photoshop CS2. (Click to see details)

12. [coldkiki]
been a long time since i colored in the lines...color pencils, yay :)

13. [XxTsomexX]
Colored pencils... some water colored pencils (without the water of course) :P

14. [Triola]
My second one :)

15. [Anvikit]
I've had this partially done for ages now.. and still need to finish it.. but thought I would post it up now anyhow.. A bit less than traditional.. :)

Username (or number or email):


2008-08-09 [Yncke]: Wow. That's a challenge to colour. Lovely lines!

2008-08-09 [deeterhi]: i'm being bad....instead of coloring it myself, i'm getting other people to color it for me. BWAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!...*shifty eyes*

2008-08-09 [Yncke]: No, you're good. ;) There aren't that many good line drawings that really invite to colour!

2008-08-09 [Mom]: Yippie!!! I love coloring contest.

2008-08-09 [deeterhi]: yay :D

2008-08-09 [windowframe]: *haunts*

2008-08-14 [Jeccabee]: OOH I love the line art! I may just have to enter this thing!

2008-08-17 [Yncke]: Do colour holds count as altering the line art?

2008-08-18 [deeterhi]: no, coloring the line-art is fine :) I meant altering like cropping my image or using some kind of tool to physically distort it is bad.

2008-08-18 [Jeccabee]: color holds? that's a new term for me...

2008-08-18 [Mom]: Me too...

2008-08-18 [Yncke]: It's when you colour the line art. It's for example used a lot for fire and water. [Calico Tiger]'s the queen of colour holds, almost all her coloured line art has it. :)

2008-08-18 [Jeccabee]: aaah...ok so basically you're changing the line from black to a color. I get it. *taps head* lol

2008-08-20 [Perplexity]: I learned something new today =B

2008-08-20 [deeterhi]: [Calico Tiger] has a tutorial about coloring line-art (that's where I had learned how to do it :))

2008-08-27 [iippo]: *is working on her entry*

2008-08-28 [Jeccabee]: ha! I totally forgot about this contest...:P I'm workin on something for the Creatures of Myth contest...then I'll get to this one...maybe. *sigh*

and I foudnd that tutorial...I'm using it for my creature picture! :D

2008-09-03 [iippo]: Today is achievement day :D *is getting so much done*

2008-09-03 [Jeccabee]: that's awesome [iippo]! What are biros? Looks kinda like a ballpoint pen.

2008-09-03 [Yncke]: That's a British ball point pen. ;)

2008-09-04 [deeterhi]: wow, it's funny because I've been thinking for a while how I should use more purple in my work since I rarely ever do.

2008-09-04 [Jeccabee]: ah... cool. Well you did a very good job!

2008-09-05 [iippo]: Yeah, ballpoint pens. ^^; It's one of those instances where the name of the brand has become the name of the object (like hoover means vacuum cleaner etc...)

2008-09-05 [Jeccabee]: LOL yeah and Fritos means corn chips. We had a discussion about that in one of my marketing classes. Very interesting!

2008-09-15 [Mikie9191]: I like bic ballpoints - I call them a "bic", again a brand being the item. You can achieve a massive range of tone with bic ballpoints. I use a black one a lot.

2008-09-15 [deeterhi]: Microns are pretty okay to use too. I esp. like them because they use india ink in them and are waterproof, so if I go over them with my watercolors, they won't bleed.
I mostly use them for doodling only though.

2008-09-16 [Jeccabee]: that sounds kinda like ZIG pens...they are archival...great for scrapbooking! :) I used to use them to outline my art before or after coloring with colored pencils. I do it all on the computer now. :P

2008-09-16 [deeterhi]: I could never abandon my brush and bottle of ink. I love the quality and the line that comes with doing things traditionally, but that's just my own personal taste.

2008-09-16 [Jeccabee]: Oh I wish I had the control to work with a brush and ink. I probably would if I tried. My boyfriend did a picture of himself (all distorted) with india was AWESOME! He layered the values and all. I was facnated just watching him.
I need to learn a little more about value and shading (like where certain shadows go) before I try anything like that though.

2008-09-24 [Mom]: This picture is hard to color...huh. 1/2 way done.

2008-09-24 [deeterhi]: if things were too easy though, they wouldn't be as satisfying to complete *nods head*

2008-09-24 [Jeccabee]: too true. I've just started coloring some basic shades colors down, no shading or anything.

2008-09-24 [Anvikit]: I might just have to send my husband on a printing mission for me :D .. Our printers been outta ink for ages.. :P (after that I just gotta try to figure out how to make it work with vista to scan it :P)

Is it alright if my daughter does one too? she hasn't an elftown account, she's only 6 but loves to color all the same :D

2008-09-25 [Anvikit]: Humm.. was gonna play with it in paint for a little while (My tablets been outta commission for ages, and all I have is a laptop mouse.. but it just wants to color in grey scale... What format is it saved as?

2008-09-25 [deeterhi]: to [Anvikit]: It's fine by me if your daughter wants to color the image as well :)

As to your gray scale issue, I don't know what would be causing that. It's a JPEG. I scan all my lineart as grayscale, but that shouldn't make any difference, and on any program, it should be easy enough to convert an image into RGB mode anyways.

2008-09-26 [Anvikit]: Humm.. might just be the computer.. I tried a few different pictures.. they are all come through as grey scale.. I just copied and pasted it though and it worked fine that way.. hehe.. I had fun playing with it.. too bad it was on my husbands computer though lol!

2008-09-30 [XxTsomexX]: I'm gonna try ^^ It'll give me a chance to play around with my new Paint Shop Pro 8 :P

2008-10-01 [deeterhi]: groovy XP

2008-10-04 [Yncke]: A problem I had with my computer has returned (it turns out that they didn't repair a thing when I sent it in the first time), so it'll have to be repaired first before I continue with this one. :(

2008-10-04 [deeterhi]: :(

2008-10-09 [NOOOPE]: Geez, I wanna do this, but my tablet is dead and I don't think my select/fill method would work in anyway with this piece. UGH and I have ideas too! 'S freaking beautiful pic, by the way.

2008-10-10 [deeterhi]: I don't have a tablet myself. Anything I do that is digital is done with a mouse.

I would love to see what you would do anyways if you have the time :)

2008-10-10 [NOOOPE]: I'll try but I can't promise that anyone'll see it when it's done.

I've only got a trackpad, by the way. Heh.

2008-10-12 [Daisy le Fleur]: Hmm I think I may enter this.. New to digital coloring but I like a challenge. Besides you've entered mine before Deeterhi ;)

2008-10-12 [Ego Diligo Tu]: I think I may enter this too :D So that I can, finally get into another contest. :D

2008-10-12 [XxTsomexX]: Crap! My system isn't working... I'm gonna just print it out and color it...

2008-10-18 [Flary]: Oh no. :( I've never done this before and I have no clue how to make the pic a thumbnail istead of the actual pic on this page. Eep. Can someone help?

2008-10-18 [Daisy le Fleur]: behind your <img put a 300 then the : and then rest of the url

2008-10-18 [Daisy le Fleur]: And that is damn good for a 1st attempt ;)

2008-10-18 [Flary]: Thank you. :) I thought it could have been the 300, but wasn't sure. And thank you for the compliment too. ^_^

2008-10-18 [Jeccabee]: that is awesome [Flary]! very good job!

2008-10-22 [iippo]: Kaimee, that's assum! *huggles*

2008-10-22 [Kaimee]: and reading back through comments... [Anvikit], I had the same problem, you just need to change the image mode/format to RGB :)

2008-10-22 [Kaimee]: Eeeep yay compliments, how terrific :P Nice to see/talk to you again iippo!! I haven't been around much in aaages...

2008-10-22 [Jeccabee]: that's aweseom [Kaimee]! I love the sorta burnt look. very purdy

2008-10-22 [iippo]: I've missed you. :3

2008-10-22 [deeterhi]: man oh man, all the entries look so good. It's gonna be a hard time judging this ;)

2008-10-22 [Jeccabee]: I'm still workin on my entry. I've got about half of the base colors done. :)

2008-10-22 [Jeccabee]: i have all of the base colors in. Now I just have to work on shading and highlights.

2008-10-22 [Kaimee]: hehe I may actually fix mine sometime if I get my hands free at any point... I'll tell you, working on a track pad is decidedly different from a tablet O.o; I kept wanting to do detail and then having my fingers chewed by kitten. LOL

2008-10-23 [arthemis_]: I'm in! :D Love the picture!!

2008-10-24 [Yncke]: I brought my 8-year old computer back to life. It's slower, but at least it's still working. :)

2008-10-24 [Daisy le Fleur]: Ooo subtle hues, nice shading Yncke!

2008-10-24 [Yncke]: Thank you. :)

2008-10-24 [Jeccabee]: awesome Yncke!

2008-10-24 [Yncke]: :) I hope I've caught your intentions with the drawing. I felt that she looks very gloomy.

2008-10-24 [deeterhi]: I feel like color is like music in a film: it can help define the mood, emphasize and de-emphasize what you feel is most important to get across :)

2008-10-24 [Yncke]: I agree. And in addition to that, colours should help 'read' the image, just like music helps to explain the setting of the scene. :) (Well, at least in my opinion. *grin* )

2008-10-24 [Jeccabee]: well I have finished her hair and skin...and the lil animal thing. It's slow going, but it's getting done.

2008-10-25 [Artsieladie]: I was browsing through the Advertising in Elftown Forum and saw your contest. I've added it to MC (under number of entries' deadline -20-) and onto the Mainstreet Calendar. It is being featured until November 30, 2008. Hope this is ok, but I think advertising is always good for a contest. If you need it to be featured for awhile longer, just give me a holler. :)

Lovely drawing and lovely colourings! To pick the winner for this will be difficult. *feels sorry for the judge(s)* ;P

2008-10-25 [deeterhi]: Thanks [Artsieladie]


2008-10-25 [Artsieladie]: You're very welcome! Now hopefully, you'll be flooded with lots more lovely entries! :)

2008-10-27 [arthemis_]: I'm busy I'm busy *lol*

2008-11-01 [Kaimee]: Oh my god. I finally finished uni for the year so I finally get time to actually fix the details on my entry :Ow

2008-11-01 [deeterhi]: take a deep breath...and then dance all night.

I can't wait to see what the finished version will look like :)

2008-11-16 [Lite]: I might give this one a shot :)

2008-11-16 [Lite]: Done <img:img/mood/61513_1224162389.gif>

2008-11-17 [deeterhi]: very nice :) looks like canvas to me :)

2008-11-17 [Lite]: Thank you! I tried for a ink + watercolor look :D
I hope you don't mind the slight rendering in the original lineart.

2008-11-18 [deeterhi]: looks alright to me:)

2008-11-18 [Lite]: I love the shadows on your entry Triola :D

2008-11-18 [Triola]: Thank you :3

2008-11-18 [Mom]: Great picture [Triola]...funny isn't it. Most of theartist saw the girl in the picture with red to auburn hair.

2008-11-18 [Yncke]: My guess is that's because blond and black hair are not fun to render. :)

2008-11-18 [Jeccabee]: EEP two more entered and I'm not even done! 

2008-11-18 [Mom]: There is still time...11 more entries to go.

2008-11-19 [Triola]: For my part, it was the freckles that did it :P Freckles = red hair in my head :P

2008-11-19 [Jeccabee]: exactly! well I have brown hair and freckles...but I see what you mean. :P LOL

2008-11-19 [Flary]: Since I've had red hair for years, it's the only natural colour for me. Loving it. ^_^ BTW, GREAT entries here, it's going to be a tough competition. :)

2008-11-24 [Jeccabee]: OOH a blond!

2008-11-24 [arthemis_]: hihi :D

2008-11-25 [deeterhi]: it's so cool to see everyone create such different atmospheres with the same illustration. If I said I had one favorite right now, I'd be lying. They all look really good.

2008-11-25 [arthemis_]: It's been a great honour to color one of your line-arts! You are such a great artist! It has been fun to do something different then your usual style :P

2008-11-25 [Triola]: It haaaas :D (I vote a second one once this is done! >.>)

2008-11-25 [Yncke]: I agree with [Triola], colour competitions on high quality line art (like this one ;) ) are fun!

2008-11-25 [Triola]: And it's also really good practice, especially with the crazy details you've thrown into this one, [deeterhi] :3

2008-11-26 [arthemis_]: Yeah, I liked the shadowing! It took me quite a while, luckily I finished it just in time and uploaded before my laptop heaved out his last breath.

2008-11-29 [Sinchao]: Looks awesome!

2008-12-12 [Artsieladie]: Since you haven't close to the amount of 20 entries, I'm going to extend the featuring of this contest on Mainstreet's Calendar and on MC. :)

2008-12-12 [deeterhi]: ooh, thanks :)

2008-12-12 [Artsieladie]: You're welcome! I'm the contest plugger! lol ;)

2008-12-15 [BinaryPhoenix]: I'm busy with my entry!

2008-12-17 [BinaryPhoenix]: Finished! See full view for details ^___^

2008-12-17 [deeterhi]: Woohoo! We're finally at the half-way mark :)

2008-12-22 [deeterhi]: C'mon people, let's keep these entries comin'


2008-12-24 [Lite]: I might change my entry - just got Corel Painter with all the shiny tools of destruction!

2008-12-24 [Flary]: Can't we just make another entries? ^_^ Just bend the rules a tiny bit. ;)

2008-12-27 [deeterhi]: ho hum hum....if someone wants to second that suggestion, I might get rid of the one entry per person rule.......anyone?

2008-12-27 [Sinchao]: I could vote for the benefit of Flary, but I don't have any entries to begin with xD But hey, more entries = more lovely art! ^^;

2008-12-28 [deeterhi]: and so it shall be :)

2008-12-28 [Lite]: I'm in!

2008-12-28 [Flary]: Whee! Now, if I just had some more time, just a teeny tiny bit... Could someone do some magicks to arrange that, too? ;)

2008-12-29 [Sinchao]: *works magicks*

2009-01-13 [organicparadox]: beautiful linework, seriously.

2009-01-13 [deeterhi]: thank you :) I do hope you'll be giving the coloring a go for yourself :)

2009-01-20 [Zab]: *watches*

2009-01-22 [deeterhi]: sparkly.

nice entry [JajaJulie]

2009-01-22 [JajaJulie]: Thanks :)

2009-01-23 [coldkiki]: uhm....hello...i would like to enter my coloring too, only i don' to add it>< ...anyone wanna help?

2009-01-23 [coldkiki]: thankyou :)

2009-01-24 [Lite]: Sweet entry, Mangledkitty! :D

2009-01-25 [JajaJulie]: Thanks [Lite] :)

2009-01-31 [Biokinetic]: I have a quick question. I colored the majority of this picture in smoothdraw and it's done...except somehow the program only let a certain amount of the picture. It's just a little bit cut off the bottom of the picture. Is that alright?^_^;

2009-01-31 [deeterhi]: It's okay to still submit it, though that crop will be taken into consideration when judging time comes. The contest is about how you handle the whole picture with color and if you don't have the whole picture, well, it's not really fair to everyone else who painted the whole thing. But since you have most of it done (and I'm sure it's taken you a while to paint) you can put it up unless, anyone has any objections?

2009-02-01 [Biokinetic]: I take that back. I think I found a way to fix it ^_^

2009-02-02 [deeterhi]: that's great :) can't wait to see it.

2009-03-01 [Cillamoon]: Is this contest still going on?

2009-03-01 [Triola]: Yep.

2009-03-01 [Cillamoon]: Awesome! So it's safe to still submit something?

2009-03-01 [Triola]: Since the deadline is 20 entries, and there are only 12 so far, I'd have thought the answer obvious :P

2009-03-01 [Cillamoon]: Yes I know, it sucks when I become temporarily daft....

2009-03-01 [Triola]: Happens to the best of us :P

2009-03-02 [organicparadox]: wish i knew how to colour:/ really great work in here so far!

2009-03-02 [deeterhi]: yes, we need more entries please :) *stares at all those watchers*

2009-03-02 [organicparadox]: to be a colourist and not take advantage of such clean lines and classic composition is ludacris! gotta say, the hand and the face make the whole image for me. i'd be scared shitless inking that.

2009-03-05 [Anvikit]: Woot!.. my honey got me a new tablet :D .. I'm working on this now..

2009-03-05 [deeterhi]: woohoo!

2009-03-05 [deeterhi]: as to [organicparadox]: the inking took a while longer than I originally expected. I think I started inking it and then maybe half-way through I stop and don't pick it back up until a few months later, which is rare for me because most of the time, I work straight through ;)

2009-03-08 [arthemis_]: [coldkiki], nice detailing with the berries in the bush! :D

2009-03-09 [coldkiki]: ._. ...thanks...i actually feel kind of bad about that, becuase i didn't realize until i was done that we weren't suppose to add anything that wasn't already naturally within the drawing.

2009-03-09 [deeterhi]: aww, don't worry too much. That's a small detail anyways :) That rule is mostly there for people who completely paint over things so that it drastically changes the lineart. THAT would be a big no-no.

2009-03-09 [XxTsomexX]: I finally got around to doing mine :D lol

2009-03-10 [deeterhi]: I'm definitely going to be recruiting some judges because I'm not gonna be able to pick the winner by myself.

2009-03-10 [arthemis_]: Lol, it's going to be hard I imagine :D I see so many pieces I would vote at here :D

2009-03-10 [organicparadox]: lol, i do not envy the judges!

2009-03-21 [Rondel]: Stupid question time... ...I like the line art in this, and I want to give a try to colouring it more than once, in different media. Is it okay to submit more than one entry, either as separate entries, or as alternates? I looked in the rules for any mention of entry limits, per person, and didn't see anything; I've seen some contests before where people are allowed to enter more than one piece, if they have multiple suitable items, and so I thought I'd risk looking stupid and/or greedy, rather than keeping silent and assuming (given the old saying about what one gets when one assumes (making an "ass" of "u" and "me"...)).

I have no great emotional investment in the answer to that question, but I do have one other for you. I really like the way my current colouring attempt with this piece is coming out. Do you have any restrictions you wish to place on the display of completed entries as examples of the colourist's work, as long as due credit is given to the creator of the (gorgeous and inspiring) line art?

I'm really enjoying this as my first chance to try natural media colouring, now that we have a new printer and I can actually print things out again. *grin* Thanks, [deeterhi], for creating such a delightful piece for us to colour! :D

2009-03-21 [arthemis_]: Very very nice entry [Triola]!

2009-03-21 [Triola]: Thanks :D

2009-03-21 [Jeccabee]: OOH night time! very pretty Triola!

2009-03-22 [Triola]: Thank you :3

2009-03-23 [deeterhi]: To [Rondel]: At one point, I had the rule one entry per person, but I decided to get rid of it because other people were asking if they could enter more than one time, and I think if they have the inspiration and creativity- Go ahead! ^^

To your second question- You can post up the piece as long as you give me credit and link back to either my page, my blog, or my deviant account (all of which can be found on my house page).

I'm glad you are enjoying working on the line-art :)

2009-04-07 [Maketsu]: Very nice work, all the patrons and new comers. :-)

[deetheri] I think it's better to let an inspired artist submit two images than wait for entriest that will never come. :-)

2009-04-08 [deeterhi]: Yes [Maketsu], that's what I said ^^

2009-04-14 [wicked fae mage]: Neato. I like this contest idea =3

2009-04-16 [Kaimee]: Oh, I updated mine btw xD It's not finished, but I figured I may never finish it so I might as well post what I had!

2009-04-16 [Cillamoon]: I hope that when voting does commence, that we can vote for more than one picture. I love so many of them!

2009-04-16 [Kaimee]: I agree that would be great :D

2009-05-28 [Azaroth]: i'm going to receive a drawing tablet soon so i'll try to enter this contest too, if i'm not too late that is hehe

2009-05-28 [deeterhi]: cool. can't wait to see what you come up with ^^

2009-05-29 [Kaimee]: My cintiq got back from the repair centre today so as soon as I'm finished with this uni stuffs I can finally fix my entry! :D

2009-05-30 [deeterhi]: Awesome!

2009-06-25 [pixish]: This looks like fun :)

2009-06-26 [deeterhi]: Ooh Yeah! We're only 6 entries away until closing time :D

2009-06-27 [pixish]: I'm starting one! It's at home though so I can only work on it when I'm there x) I might make a 'home' and 'work' version though, that might be interesting :)

2009-06-27 [Kaimee]: I still haven't finished mine xD

2009-06-27 [pixish]: go go go!!!

2009-08-01 [deeterhi]: that's really unusual and interesting, I hope you get the time to finish it [Anvikit].

2009-08-22 [Keira]: thats is really interesting how with just a few colors the same picture can look so much different

2009-09-08 [Mikhul, the Bard]: I will be entering this contest. hopefully I can have it submitted before the 20th image

2009-09-09 [deeterhi]: cool

2009-09-22 [Jeccabee]: I still have mine half done. I just dont have the time to work on art anymore. :(

2009-09-23 [deeterhi]: :(

2009-10-14 [Mikhul, the Bard]: Im almost done! yay!

2009-10-18 [deeterhi]: :)

2009-10-31 [Titanium Tiger]: Im joining I just hope I get done before the dead line of 20 entries my I ask how long its taken to collect the entries?

2009-10-31 [deeterhi]: Join in, Titanium Tiger! I'm sure you'll have plenty of time. I don't remember when I started the contest, but I think it's been a year...I think.....

2009-11-01 [Titanium Tiger]: so it may be a bit untill we judge cool that gives me some time

2009-11-01 [arthemis_]: Lol, don't take forever though, I'm dying of impatience, lolz.

Lol, I'm just messing with yah ;)

2009-11-01 [Titanium Tiger]: well it might take me a little bit Im using the good old fashion paint program !I dont have a camera or a scanner so if I printed it out and colored it i would have no way to get it back on the computer!

2009-11-02 [deeterhi]: you don't need to feel pressured, but it would be nice to wrap up this contest before the end of the year ^^

2009-11-02 [Titanium Tiger]: sounds good

2009-11-07 [arthemis_]: It's going to be sooo hard to judge this! They are all absolutely amazing!

2009-12-24 [Rondel]: Yay! There's still room for my entry! I just wrapped up a project that has been eating my time for a LONG time, and it would be nice to do something recreational. 

My not-quite-finished Traditional Media entry has been haunting me with reproachful looks every time I flip through the artwork currently on my "working clipboard", and I was CERTAIN that it would now be out-of-date. 

I'm sorry for the rest of you that this has dragged on for so long, but I'm *delighted* to get a chance to enter it -- and demonstrate a less usual medium, since I've been colouring it using soybean oil crayons, because I don't tolerate the paraffin wax kind. 

I know that crayons are generally considered "kids stuff", but (quite apart from the faux stained glass I used to do by using them on paper that's on a buffet warming tray set to low heat) I love the way the soy oil ones blend. They're not quite as opaque as wax crayons, but I think they have their own strong points as a medium, and I'm hoping that this piece will help show that. :)

2009-12-29 [deeterhi]: crayons's are tools just like any other medium, and it's not about what you use but how well you can use them. I can't wait to see what you have in store for your entry, Rondel :)

2010-03-07 [deeterhi]: Hmm. This contest has been running for quite a while and I was thinking it might be time to wrap it up. I feel like it will take too long to reach the 20 entry mark, so the entries already here will be judged. What do you guys think?

If you have an entry that hasn't been uploaded and is nearly completed, there is still time to submit it to be judged. I'll give to the end of the week for any last minute entries.

After that, I'm going to have a small panel of judges (probably me and two other people) pick a top five, and then I'll put up a poll for everyone to vote for the winner. Sound good?

2010-03-07 [Yncke]: Sounds good to me. :) 15 is already a nice number of entries.

2010-03-07 [arthemis_]: Yeah! :D

2010-03-08 [Kaimee]: EEK! must finish entry... >.>

2010-03-08 [deeterhi]: all right :) The new deadline is Saturday, midnight (Elftown time), for all you last minute entrants :)

2010-03-20 [deeterhi]: So, there's the judges' top five picks. Now, it's time for everyone else to voice in and VOTE! :)

2010-03-20 [Kaimee]: Oooh I really wish no.14 were in the judges picks!

2010-03-21 [Jeccabee]: ugh...I wsa torn between d and e...for me the coloring "fit" with the style of the line work best. But I like the faded background of d. They are all great though!
I wish I could have finished mine in time. I just had not personal art time left after I got my new jobs. :P

2010-03-21 [Jeccabee]: I also like a for the lines of color...impressive! Kinda reminds me of Snow White. :)

2010-03-21 [Triola]: Thanks, Kaimee :)

2010-03-21 [arthemis_]: I choose B because it was the sky coloring I wanted, before I saw that somebody else had done it :D And it's such a warm picture.

2010-09-03 [Yncke]: Congratulations, [Triola]! :)

2010-09-03 [Kaimee]: Yeah, congrats, I'm always so pleased when the one I want to win, wins! :D

2010-09-03 [Triola]: Oh, wow, awesomeness :D

*had forgotten all about this contest* >.> <.<

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